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Merciless Extractor |
When I look at the president, I can't see myself climbing the corporate ladder. To be a manager, you've got to be an inhuman, heartless villain. This trait allows them to flog their dedicated workers without mercy and still sleep at night. I feel that same merciless cruelty radiating from this metallic altar. I wonder if it was once used for dark, unspeakable ceremonies. Or perhaps it was once the desk of a corporate boss. We'll never know...
Although it may be hard to believe, your boss at work isn't an evil being summoned from the depths oh hell! Truly! He or she may fire a couple of employees here and there, boss people around and demand utterly difficult tasks for them to do, but they are merely doing their job. Their job is to manage the company and/or branch from a business point of view, and not a personal one.
If ever you get the boot, know that it was in company's best interests, and not your boss's. The boss is merely the messenger of the company's business practices, whether or not you agree with them.
Time Capsule |
This must be some kind of a memorial capsule left by a lost civilization. It has left behind some image data, but I can't make any sense of it. I'm going to have to do some additional analysis. I'll document any exciting new developments in my log, along with pages and pages of meaningless doodles.
Photos of objects and beings alike can help your memory with a definite image of how they look, as far as physical traits are concerned. Photos are an excellent complement to memory, which is where the more important aspects of objects and living beings such as personality, feeling, and other such aspects, reside.
Take photos of the people, objects and scenery around you, if only for the distant future. One day the things of which you take a picture may cease to exist, and a photographic memory can be a precious element.
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// A mysterious character within the Banjo-Kazooie series was meant to star in his own N64 spin-off...
Click for more . . .
// Delve into the philosophical world of gaming in this Pikmin 2 special, Buried Treasures
Check it out . . .
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