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Omniscient Sphere |
This creature holds the greatest concentration of knowledge in all of the known universe. However, due to its reclusive personality, it pretends to be a mere pebble.
Not everyone in the world is outgoing. A shy person who may look to be uneducated could be one of the best scholars of the country. Some people only like to open up to their closest of friends, and as such, to everyone else, pretend to be less than what they actually are.
It's impossible to tell how anyone really is, unless they're of the most extremely outgoing people. You can't judge anyone by how they act in public. If you want to truly know how a person is, befriend them and maybe then they'll be inclined to be all that they can be.
Drought Ender |
As Louie's superior, it's my responsibility to teach him wilderness survival skills. Walking around as much as we do generates an intense thirst, so water becomes very important. I told Louie that we have to ration out water carefully. That's what I was thinking until I found this. I was so parched that...I couldn't help myself. I drank all the water in the canteen. It tasted soooo good. But when I turned around, Louie gave me a cold stare...
When you give out advice, be sure to be prepared to also take it for your own. When it comes to your own advice, be a role model, and not a hypocrite. If you don't practice what you preach, people will cease to think of you as a credible source of any sort of advice.
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// A mysterious character within the Banjo-Kazooie series was meant to star in his own N64 spin-off...
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// Delve into the philosophical world of gaming in this Pikmin 2 special, Buried Treasures
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