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Memorial Shell
I've observed several species of shell-dwelling creatures inhabiting the Perplexing Pool. One of these feisty beasts forms a spherical gem within the meaty depths of its shell. In a way, this gem could be considered this creature's lifework. I consider my children my life's work.
What's the meaning of life for you? Is there something specific that you want to accomplish before it's all over? What is it that you really want to do in life, and what do you want to leave as your legacy? Is it your parental ways, or perhaps the work you do, the creations to make?

No matter how significant your life is to the world, you'll be remembered for something. Make sure that something is what you want it to be.

All that remains of a monster shellfish is a sparkle, the sole proof of its existence. Does this not make you want to treasure it?
Further adding to the legacy aspect of life is this entry by the ship. When someone dies, it is important for them to be remembered. In a way, those who die live on in our memories...the sole proof of their existence. Death isn't truly realized until the people in question are forgotten by every single soul on this planet.

Scrumptious Shell
This flavorful item's texture is most agreeable to any life-form... Or so my data suggests. Do statements like these, from a machine without taste buds, strike you as odd?
When artificial intelligence gets to the point where it is advanced enough for machines to answer all of our questions...will you trust it? Can machines, who have merely been programmed what to know by a human just like you, subjectively answer a question like a human would?

The same can be applied to ignorance in humans. Would you trust an ignorant person to answer a question of yours? If someone tells you that a certain video game system "sucks," even though they've never actually played it, will you let their ignorant opinion affect yours?

Some people allow themselves to be influenced by such ignorance...don't be one of them. Develop your own opinions only after you fully experience the product in question, and only ask the opinion of people who have as well.

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// A mysterious character within the Banjo-Kazooie series was meant to star in his own N64 spin-off...

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// Delve into the philosophical world of gaming in this Pikmin 2 special, Buried Treasures

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