Did You Know?
A mysterious character within the Banjo-Kazooie universe was to star in his own N64 spin-off...
Captain Blackeye is a character in the Banjo-Kazooie series that was meant to be related to Stop 'N Swop[?]. He appeared in the original game only in a framed photo, hidden in one of the rooms of the Mad Monster Mansion level. He played no other part in the game. He was then found in the game's sequel, Banjo-Tooie, drunk inside a bar.
Blackeye, in Banjo-Tooie, was actually meant to give players one of the elusive eggs that Rare had teased us with in the ending to Banjo-Kazooie. However, since Nintendo pulled the plug on Stop 'N Swop, the captain found himself to be absolutely useless to players. After much speculation on who the character was, the surrounding mystery about him was put to an underwhelming end.
But Rare originally had big plans for the character. The developer is known to include little hints and clues of characters that would star in upcoming games, and it was no different for Captain Blackeye. The pirate was actually going to star in his own N64 title named "FEAR." It is said that the game was to be a pre-rendered adventure, much akin to the pre-rendering found in the original Resident Evil games.
Of course, the game never came to see the light of day, and Captain Blackeye was to forever remain a disappointment...
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// A mysterious character within the Banjo-Kazooie series was meant to star in his own N64 spin-off...
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