Did You Know?
Two characters in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes were named after ones from a classic Stanley Kubrick film...

The games in Hideo Kojima's acclaimed Metal Gear series are known to have hidden details that are easily missed, as evidenced by Gen-N's own Eagle Eye featuring Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. While plenty of tiny secrets can be found in the gameplay of these beloved espionage games, Kojima-san doesn't stop there: there is even detail to be found in the names of major characters in the series.
Starring in both The Twin Snakes and the original game on which it is based, Metal Gear Solid for the PSX, is a character named Hal Emmerich, a professor who helps Snake in his mission against the Metal Gear project. In addition to this, at the end of the game, it is revealed to the player that Solid Snake's real name is Dave.
These two names, Dave and Hal, are loosely based on two key characters in the late Stanley Kubrick's 1968 classic entitled 2001: A Space Odyssey. In the film, an astronaut and doctor by the name of Dave Bowman is one of five crew members to travel space in a ship controlled almost entirely by artificial intelligence; an extremely advanced computer that goes by the name of HAL 9000.
While the four aforementioned characters from the two separate universes might not have much in common as far as personalities go, other than Hal Emmerich being highly intelligent like HAL 9000 and Solid Snake being the star of the game as Dave Bowman is to the movie, it is interesting to see Hideo Kojima pay homage to the classic film.
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